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BHMA Kitchen Assistants

Many of you have seen some of the delicious food that is served during meal periods at BHMA. But did you know that there is a team of BHMA participants who have gained paid employment in the commercial kitchen? That is right! Our assistants hold vital positions in the kitchen to make the operation run smoothly. In fact, some individuals have reached the decade mark on their meaningful employment at BHMA.  

LIVE members Dylan, Ben, Matt, and John have long been assistants in the BHMA kitchen. Working under the direction of the Dining Service Director, Ralph Robitaille, assistants do many duties including food prep, dishwashing, sanitation, and serving peers at the salad bar. Outside of routine responsibilities assistants work hard to meet quality standards and safety practices while also navigating new skills and critical problem solving during any given shift.   These professional experiences have led some assistants to pursue paid employment outside of BHMA, which has further developed their communication and work skills.   

As head of the kitchen, and supervisor of the kitchen assistants, Ralph shares that “seeing the growth of not just their skill levels, but their pride, confidence, and awareness around a workplace, has been rewarding to witness. From their early days working with the Vocation department and job coaches, our assistants have grown into reliable employees which has allowed the dining program to grow along with them.”  


When asked about his work experience, Dylan says “I am most proud that I am part of a team of employees, and I can cover people’s shifts to earn extra money. I was also so happy to be recognized for my 10 years of service at the BHMA Spring Concert! I felt dignified.”  

If you bump into one of these essential workers around BHMA, feel free to give them a smile knowing that they are part of a team keeping our participants and staff fed throughout the week!   "The secret ingredient is always love!"


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